Media Tips
May 28, 2019

Hot Social Media Tips!

There are three major social media players.  Facebook (the social media leader) reports having well over two billion users, Instagram, has now cleared the one billion mark and Twitter delivers in excess of 335 million users.  Accordingly there’s little doubt that the majority of your clients are likely on at least one of these digital platforms. If they’re not, you can bet they soon will be given the realities of our technology driven world.  Having said that, here are three hot tips for building and maintaining social media dominance through and beyond 2019:

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May 21, 2019 is a Canadian based company developed to provide big and small print related companies looking to sell, buy or trade a broad range of new and used printing machines and equipment. does not buy or sell machinery, consumables or services ourselves.  Our mission is to introduce you and your firm with other printing companies who can.  This is accomplished via our classified ad campaigns at no cost to you. is the perfect place site for you to buy, sell, or trade used, refurbished and reconditioned printing, pre-press and post-press machinery and more. 

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