August 14, 2019

Yes, like the monster in the movie Frankenstein, “Print” is very much alive, and alive in a global environment that is increasingly dependent upon technology, and that means an increasing number of businesses are, or will shortly, be jumping on the digital band wagon. 

Like Print’s cousins, Radio & Television broadcasting, there are folks out there that have been singing the mantra that they are dead, broadcasting stations and their networks continue to flourish as they too continue to function well in a digital environment.  

So… is Print dead?  The answer is a resounding, NO!  It’s very much Alive. The fact is, Print continues to evolve at a quick pace enabling it to work well with digital, not only as a complement but by enhancing it too.  So no matter what the Print soothsayers want or predict, print is going to be around for the long haul. Accordingly, Print will continue in place as an effective and important marketing tool for some time to come.


People Enjoy The Physical Aspects Of Print

As far back as you care to go, Print has always been about the physical experience.  Accordingly, Print is the best thing for the job. Most people prefer the touchy, feely aspects of leafing through a magazine, a brochure, a colorful calendar or a catalogue, instead of a digital copy.  In fact, Print has stick-to-itiveness, which is why you frequently see Print items and/or publications on a home coffee table, night-stand or in a business’s reception area. It provides people something to read and enjoy while passing time.  Of course, Print’s portability still remains a positive factor


The Personalization Of Print

The power of personalization of Print items will make clients feel valued. The technique can be applied to a variety of Print products to create something unique and different for the client.  However, it relies on having solid client knowledge to be fully successful. Today, the majority of people are familiar with being targeted online via sponsored advertisements or content that is based on their online behaviour.  Having said that, remember the personalization of Print requires substantial thought and planning. Not only that, but it’s proven that engagement, response and conversion rates are higher when customisation is utilized in digital marketing and of course Print.


Making An Impression

With many choosing to reduce their use of print, arguably now is the time to embrace it! It’s quick and easy to be present online, but it’s becoming overcrowded. Offline opportunities mean competition is reduced and audiences are more targeted, because unlike digital content and ads, print does have some special limitations.  Generally it requires quality content control & budget – all of which assist the credibility of Print when compared to something published online. Having said that, it is important to experiment with the latest tools and technology to keep your Print expanding. Why? Because the more creative the Print, the more likely people are to pay attention to the brand and it’s message. 

Print like the Frankenstein monster…  Is Alive! So, it’s time to think about what you can do to use Print to your client’s advantage.

Perhaps we can assist you to achieve your Print goals and help develop some new, fresh Print ideas.  Email us at or call us at 1.416.556.8856.  

If you’re in the market for new or used print related equipment, or if you have equipment you’re looking to sell, you’ve come to the right place.  So, click here to check out our comprehensive list of Classified Ads.